Monday, March 15, 2004

The Big Three

I got mail today. Tiny mail. Boo-hoo. MIT "rejectified" me. But out of my four remaining choices it was probably fourth anyway. So it's really a blow to my self esteem more than it is a life-altering event. I would like to say, as Peter Griffin might put it, that MIT (and Stanford, too) can kiss the fattest part of my ass. And anyone who judges people by colleges they get into can join them. So that's all I have to say about that.

The good news is that I've heard from everyone now. For those who haven't followed my frolic into the college application world, I've applied to six. I got into Purdue, University of Michigan, Cal Poly SLO, and University of Wisconsin - Madison. (I already decided against Madison, so I'm left with three.) Stanford and MIT denied me. So there you have it: Michigan, Purdue, and Cal Poly. I need to decide by the beginning of April because I need to make a "first choice college" selection for National Merit, and Cal Poly accepts housing applications on April 6 (which I need to get in on as soon as possible because if I don't I won't get a dorm). I can hopefully go and visit Cal Poly soon and maybe even Michigan...but we'll see.

More exciting Ethel news: she asked me to call her if I heard from MIT, so I did. We ended up talking for an hour. So you see? There's good in everything.

I think today was "People Without Consideration or Respect get into the Gym for Free" Day because you wouldn't believe the nerve of some of these people I ran into while I was there. This one guy got onto a machine I had been waiting for, spent a few minutes adjusting it so that he could start working, and then got up to get a drink of water, leaving his stuff on the machine so I still couldn't use it. And he rested for at least three minutes between each set. And I know he knew I was waiting for him because our eyes met while I sat there waiting for him. So I finally gave up on that machine and went down to the free-weight room, and I grabbed a couple of dumbbells and sat down on an open bench to start working. This woman came over and informed me that she had been working out there. Now, she wasn't sitting there when I came, nor was she anywhere near there, nor was any of her stuff there. But I really don't mind moving for her, because there's five other identical benches in the place. But then she gives me this "I can't believe you have the nerve to take my bench" look. Listen lady, I'm sorry I took "your" bench, but don't give me any of that crap, because there was absolutely no way for me to know you were using it. Were using it. And while I was on a different bench this guy came up and waited patiently for me to finish and then asked if I would mind moving so that he could use the pull-up bar I happened to be under. That made me feel better. There's at least one person with a little consideration. He even moved the bench for me. How nice of him was that? Anyway, that's what happened at the gym.

And that be it. If anyone reading this tonight knows that school tomorrow is a regular Tuesday schedule instead of the 1-3-5 day I think it is, please call me and let me know so I show up on time. Thanks.


mood: hot. no, like, it's warm in here. because of the temperature. because there's not enough air.
music: I don't know why I bother to write this every time because I never listen to any.
location: Dad's house

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