Sunday, October 10, 2004
Alaska can come too
Guten tag, my loyal readers! If you are one of the few who do still tune in every day to read my personal thoughts and descriptions of the days past, then I would like to extend my thanks to you. It means a lot to me that people back at home and elsewhere still remember me and care about me enough to take the time to read through my often lengthier-than-necessary entries.
That said, I have not much else about which to write. I slept in until a quarter to ten, at which point I got up to get ready for church. We had to take my car because Kevin's friend Katie wanted to come along and she didn't have a bike. Aside from having to find a place to park, driving was quite nice because I didn't have to pedal up the mountain that is Grand Avenue to get back to campus.
After church I finished my homework that's due tomorrow and did most of the homework I have for the rest of the week (all that has been assigned up to this point, at least). Danielle and I went to play racquetball, where we played a few games and then served over and over again to each other so we could practice the serves and returns. We didn't play as long as we usually do because I'm coming down with a cold or something, as are most of the people around here. I don't feel sick, but my throat is...uh...I don't really know what word to use to describe it, but it's not happy. My voice cracks a lot. But I feel fine so I'll be thankful for that.
Kevin and I went down to the Campus Market to do a little grocery shopping, and then I went to Back Stage Pizza for dinner. Upon return I played hearts with Fenton, Zack, and Phil, and lost miserably (At game's end I had more points than all the others combined. Stupid queen of spades!). We played mao after that, and that went on for so long that we had to quit because there were so many added rules that none of us could figure out what the heck was going on.
And now I'm here. Whoopee. Sorry nothing much else happened today. But that's how it goes.
mood: neutral
music: none
location: dorm
That said, I have not much else about which to write. I slept in until a quarter to ten, at which point I got up to get ready for church. We had to take my car because Kevin's friend Katie wanted to come along and she didn't have a bike. Aside from having to find a place to park, driving was quite nice because I didn't have to pedal up the mountain that is Grand Avenue to get back to campus.
After church I finished my homework that's due tomorrow and did most of the homework I have for the rest of the week (all that has been assigned up to this point, at least). Danielle and I went to play racquetball, where we played a few games and then served over and over again to each other so we could practice the serves and returns. We didn't play as long as we usually do because I'm coming down with a cold or something, as are most of the people around here. I don't feel sick, but my throat is...uh...I don't really know what word to use to describe it, but it's not happy. My voice cracks a lot. But I feel fine so I'll be thankful for that.
Kevin and I went down to the Campus Market to do a little grocery shopping, and then I went to Back Stage Pizza for dinner. Upon return I played hearts with Fenton, Zack, and Phil, and lost miserably (At game's end I had more points than all the others combined. Stupid queen of spades!). We played mao after that, and that went on for so long that we had to quit because there were so many added rules that none of us could figure out what the heck was going on.
And now I'm here. Whoopee. Sorry nothing much else happened today. But that's how it goes.
mood: neutral
music: none
location: dorm