Monday, October 18, 2004
Between the Sheets
I wasn't as tired today as I thought I was going to be. I was up until midnight figuring out how to post those pictures to my blog, and I had an 8:00 class. But for some reason I wasn't tired. Usually on Mondays I come straight home after math ends at 11 so I can nap until Kevin gets home at noon, but today I wasn't tired enough to sleep. So I got an extra hour in my day. Hooray! I used it to watch The Apprentice, which I had taped last Thursday. I so called who was going to be fired.
I did a buttload of my homework today, and I'm in pretty good shape for the rest of this week. I've almost completely finished everything that's been assigned to me. The assignment for my EE lecture this week was to go down to the library and do this scavenger hunt-esque activity to learn about the resources the library has to offer. I noticed a guy in line behind me at the circulation desk who had the same worksheet I was filling out, and we ended up going through the whole thing together. It sounds like the thing would be a total pain in the rear, but it was actually kind of fun. We had to pick a book at random and then go and find it...and we have a pretty big honkin' library. Have any of you ever seen Supermarket Sweep on TV, where you're running through the aisles looking for the one product that the $10,000 is hidden behind? Well that's what it was like, sans the free cash. But we totally beat the clock on that one!
After band tonight a bunch of the trumpets from marching band went on a super-secret mission. I'm reluctant to talk about it here so all of you are going to have to promise to keep it on the DL. Okay? Good. I'm not sure if any of you are familiar with the geography of SLO, but for those of you who aren't, there's a big hill on the east side of campus, and on that hill is a big P for Poly. It's somewhat of a tradition for people to go up there and spell out things, using the existing P and adding to it with bedsheets. Well the trumpets went up there to spell out "chops," because that's what we're called in the Mustang Band. So at 9:30 we trekked up the hill, only to find that the sheets we expected to be at the top weren't there. So right now we're going to have to assume that "chops" is abbreviated by "P." That's right. The trip was fun anyway, although it was a little full of horse pucky, for my taste. (Actually, on the way back we passed a pen full of horses. They came out through the open gate and wondered around us for a little while. It was pretty cool.)
And that's how my day went. Days without marching band aren't as exciting, I know. But hey, the P story was good. So be happy for that.
Talk to you all later.
mood: tired, hungry
music: zip
location: dorm
I did a buttload of my homework today, and I'm in pretty good shape for the rest of this week. I've almost completely finished everything that's been assigned to me. The assignment for my EE lecture this week was to go down to the library and do this scavenger hunt-esque activity to learn about the resources the library has to offer. I noticed a guy in line behind me at the circulation desk who had the same worksheet I was filling out, and we ended up going through the whole thing together. It sounds like the thing would be a total pain in the rear, but it was actually kind of fun. We had to pick a book at random and then go and find it...and we have a pretty big honkin' library. Have any of you ever seen Supermarket Sweep on TV, where you're running through the aisles looking for the one product that the $10,000 is hidden behind? Well that's what it was like, sans the free cash. But we totally beat the clock on that one!
After band tonight a bunch of the trumpets from marching band went on a super-secret mission. I'm reluctant to talk about it here so all of you are going to have to promise to keep it on the DL. Okay? Good. I'm not sure if any of you are familiar with the geography of SLO, but for those of you who aren't, there's a big hill on the east side of campus, and on that hill is a big P for Poly. It's somewhat of a tradition for people to go up there and spell out things, using the existing P and adding to it with bedsheets. Well the trumpets went up there to spell out "chops," because that's what we're called in the Mustang Band. So at 9:30 we trekked up the hill, only to find that the sheets we expected to be at the top weren't there. So right now we're going to have to assume that "chops" is abbreviated by "P." That's right. The trip was fun anyway, although it was a little full of horse pucky, for my taste. (Actually, on the way back we passed a pen full of horses. They came out through the open gate and wondered around us for a little while. It was pretty cool.)
And that's how my day went. Days without marching band aren't as exciting, I know. But hey, the P story was good. So be happy for that.
Talk to you all later.
mood: tired, hungry
music: zip
location: dorm