Saturday, October 30, 2004

Candid Camera

So, as some of you may have guessed, the reason that I was handcuffed and put in the trunk of a police car is not because I was actually being arrested. I was, in fact, on a scavenger hunt sponsored by KKY, the band fraternity. It was very much fun. Some of the highlights were:

--Being handcuffed and placed in the trunk of a police car (obviously). One of the things we had to get was "being arrested," and we happened to pass a campus police car sitting in front of the PAC, so we knocked on their window and asked if they would be so kind as to arrest me. There were surprisingly good sports about it - it must have been a slow night that night. But it was kind of embarrassing for the cop, though, because he had so much trouble with getting the handcuffs on me. He even dropped his keys at one point. And it was a video scavenger hunt so we were filming the whole thing. I didn't want to humiliate the guy because he was being so great about it all...oh well, we all had a big laugh about it afterward.

--Filming the clock tower while it was chiming. We were a couple buildings away from a good shot of the tower when the bells first started to ring, so we ran like heck so we could capture it on film. Quite the excitement. We got there with only a couple of chimes left. Courtney was manning the camera, but she was having some trouble with focusing the camera. We got it right in the end.

--Highstepping down Bubblegum Alley. This one requires some background: the Mustang Band always highsteps onto the field before a show, so that was one of the things we had to do on camera to get some points. There's also a narrow walkway between two buildings downtown where someone decided long ago to stick his chewed gum on the wall and years and years worth of people did the same thing, so now the walls are covered with ABC gum. Naturally we had to film that, too. So, to maximize efficiency, we highstepped down Bubblegum Alley, much to the amusement of all the nearby people.

--Dropping in on the juggling club that happened to be meeting in the university union when we went through. We had them each sing a line of the fight song as they juggled. For the last "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" we arranged ourselves in one big group. We screamed the line and then all the band people ran out of the group and out the door. Brian ripped his pants as we did this. We got that on film, too.

--Walking into Cold Stone Creamery downtown to film their bathroom. The poor people working there that night had at least six camera crews walk in there to film the bathroom. But that's the kind of stuff that happens when you open up a business in a college town.

--Singing "I Feel Pretty" with Brian in the Madonna Inn's bathroom. We had to film "a waterfall," and if you've ever been to the Madonna Inn you'd know that the men's room has no urinals but instead has a six-foot-wide waterfall, ceiling to floor, that you can use just like a toilet. I challenge you all to find a more interesting waterfall! The "I Feel Pretty" was just for added hilarity.

We did some other stuff too, but none that warrants mentioning. I will say that all the political nutjobs were out that night because it was the last farmers' market before election day. I had about five Kerry/Edwards stickers and eight Bush/Cheney stickers before we left, and not because I asked for them but because they come up to you and stick them on you whether you want them or not. They're all currently wadded up into a ball, sitting in my trash can.

As for the rest of Thursday and Friday, it was all pretty much par. We marched enough on Thursday for me to learn my spots for the show today, which I have to leave for in a couple of hours. On Friday we had another rehearsal so we could practice some tunes to use in the band-off against Davis. After that a bunch of us came back to my room and played Hoopla, Taboo, and Super Smash Brothers on Gamecube. Never a dull moment.

All right, that's all I feel like writing now. Good luck to RB at the Mt. Carmel Tournament of Bands today. Someone call me when you're done and let me know how you did.


mood: antsy
music: none
location: dorm


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