Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Swiss Cheese? Switch Cheese!

I went to bed at 11 last night so that I'd get enough sleep before getting up for my 8:00 class. My hope was that I'd be sufficiently awake to avoid having to take a nap today. Unfortunately, Kevin was up until about 1:00 or 1:30...I don't remember because I was trying to sleep. I can't blame him; if I was staying up I couldn't have been much quieter. Nonetheless, I came home after music theory today and crashed for two hours. So much for my plan.

Music theory today was actually very interesting. We've finally finished rhythm and meter and have moved on to intervals, a topic I don't know as much about. We talked about perfect, imperfect, and dissonant intervals, and how to diminish and augment them, and how two identical intervals that are spelled differently are actually different intervals, etc. I like this topic quite a bit, although I don't know why. But who cares?! Intervals are fun!

I went to the Sandwich Factory for lunch (after my nap), and I decided to go a little crazy. Instead of my usual roast beef with swiss I got roast beef with cheddar, and instead of mayo and mustard I got italian dressing. And you know what? It was pretty darn good. (Can you tell that not a whole lot happened today? I'm fishing for stories...)

OH! I know what was interesting! I voted today. When the creepy guy registered me last month he signed me up for permanent absent voter status, so I've had my ballot pinned to my wall for a couple of weeks now. Last night I went to both the California Democrats' and California Republicans' web pages to research the issues, and surprisingly they seemed to agree on a lot of them (except for presidential candidates, of course). Although, I was completely shocked by the websites. Instead of the voting guides, news, platform summaries, and the like that I would expect to find, the websites were filled with stabs at the other side. This was most noticeable on the Democratic website (which I suspect is due a Republican being in the white house). Everywhere you looked you saw political cartoons making fun of Bush, pages of jokes making fun of Bush...and not much else. The daily poll was, and I quote, "Do you think the Boston Red Sox being in the World Series is a premonition of Kerry winning?" 70% of people think so. This is why I don't like politics: everybody's full of crap. Honestly, I don't really trust anybody in power. Anyway, I somehow managed to formulate my own opinions on the issues currently being decided. I filled in all the right bubbles (in my humble opinion) and mailed my ballot away today. So that's that...I'm done for a year.

After that I finished this week's physics homework in the common room. While I was there, Phil from the room next door came and sat down at the same table brining his lunch with him. And it was at this point that I discovered what I believe to be my biggest pet peeve. I don't know why it is, but I can't stand the sound of people chewing with their mouths open. The common room happened to be completely empty except for the two of us at that point - there was no noise at all but the chewing. It was driving me absolutely crazy...I wanted to reach across the table and slap him with his own frickin' burrito. Ugh, it aggravates me now just thinking about it. Phil's a great guy, though. It's really more amusing than anything that this particular display of improper manners gets to me so much. But really? Driving me crazy.

I had dinner at Light House...I was supposed to meet my band friends there but the people with my tower went earlier than the band people did and I had to finish in time for wind orchestra, so I went with the people from my tower. Such drama! But dinner was pretty tasty: pork roast and mashed potatoes. Over dinner we got to the subject of the Davis game Saturday and how we're having a battle of the marching bands, and how after the battle both bands are going to get together for another "social gathering" with "refreshments." Naturally I wasn't planning to go but all the people from my tower decided that this is the perfect opportunity for me to get totally drunk. So now they're all looking forward to Saturday night when I'll walk back into the common room totally smashed. Hooray for peer pressure. Obviously I'm not going to go to the"social gathering," but I think it'll all be okay because all the people form my tower will probably all be too drunk Saturday night to remember anything anyway. See? Beer has some advantages...

Wind orchestra went well, although J (conductor man) was in a pretty bad mood for some reason unapparent to the rest of us. But that's okay because we're starting to sound pretty good. Hey, in case any of you will be in the SLO area a week from Saturday, stop by for our concert on November 6 at 8:00 PM. It should be a pretty good show.

After band I called Alena and we talked for a little while. While I was on the phone a bunch of people were going to Bali's - the local frozen yogurt shop - so I went along too. And that was tasty.

And then I came home and watched the band video - which is...uh...not the best this year - and did some other stuff and wrote in my blog. And now I'm going to bed because I'm tired. So good night. Woot.


mood: I'm in an okay mood but I don't feel physically the best
music: Swan Lake still
location: dorm


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