Monday, November 29, 2004

Nor Cal? No Cal.

I woke up this morning unfortunately about thirty seconds too late, because when I got to the bathroom both showers were taken and there was already somebody waiting for one of them. I shaved and brushed my teeth in the meantime, thinking the whole time how ridiculously long Ryan stays in the shower (seriously, like twenty minutes). Anywho, I went to physics and music theory and calculus, and then to my physics professor's office hour so I could ask him about the stuff I missed last Monday. (Remember? I left about twenty minutes early to prepare for the music theory composition performance.) I think I got most of it straightened out, although I'll tell you right now that a professor's personal notes are not anywhere near as helpful as a professor's lecture. But what can you do? I went home after that and took a brief nap, as has become my custom after class on Mondays. I didn't sleep all that long because it was past noon and I knew Kevin was out of class. It's unfortunate for me that I'm such a light sleeper that even the mere thought of someone walking in and waking me up keeps me awake.

I awoke from my nap and decided to watch the band video, which we didn't have time to go all the way through last night. I think I'm going to burn a copy of this thing and send it to RB Digital Media to show them what a yearbook production is supposed to be like. The main part of the video is a little like what RBDM produces: a fancy show with scene transitions and the like, never staying on one camera angle for too long. This video, however, has a significantly longer attention span than RBDM's tend to, and I was very impressed with the main video overall, save for the short duration of it. So that's all well and good. Piccadilly, right? But wait, there's more! If you go into the "special features" section, you'll find raw footage of the pregame show, every halftime show that Panorama Studios was able to make it to, and our Bandfest performance. And it's from one camera (for the most part). There's no fancy crap, just a straight recording of the shows that you would want when you buy a yearbook video. It's such a nice change from pucky-ish DVD's RBDM has been producing. I've heard that the Royal Regiment switched back to Ad Lib though, so perhaps the class of 2005 will be luckier than I was...

After that was a bunch of filler until band...homework and putzing around and stuff...

I went to Light House by myself for dinner...roast beef, potatoes, carrots, a spinach salad, and chocolate cake for dessert, and it was all pretty darned good. I don't think I mentioned that I've gained seven pounds since I moved up here, and I'm quite certain that I haven't been going to the gym enough for that weight gain to be attributed to muscle growth. I'm not worried about "getting fat" - you know, because I weigh ridiculously little as it is - but I am concerned that my diet has gotten away from good stuff and moved towards candy, donuts, pizza, etc. So I've decided I'll have to eat more often at Light House and Sandwich Factory because they're pretty much the only places where I can buy decent foods that are halfway good for me. That reminds me, I'll tell you about my lunch while I'm thinking about it. I decided to try a turkey sandwich instead of roast beef. No? Well I thought it was exciting.

WindO was fun, although I'm going to have to take Jenna's (I think it was Jenna's...) term "midiot" and apply it to the composer of "Ride," one of the pieces we're playing. A "midiot" is one who writes music that is too tiring or too technical or whatever so that the only being capable of playing it is some sort of midi device. Well, "Ride" has about sixteen measures of rest out of about two hundred, and the ending is...well...not fun. F on top of the staff for a long time and then bustin' out the high C...and holding it...still holding it...and then you're done, not just with the piece, but for playing trumpet for about a week. (It occurs to me that I may have already complained about this to you all, but as I've said before: that's the beauty of can skip over what you don't want to read.) Other than that, windO was quite enjoyable. Just Jiminy Cricket. (Yes, I'm coining a new phrase. This one is used in pretty much the same way as "piccadilly.") I'll end this paragraph with a quote from J: "It's a grand pause! I'm not going to conduct the grand pause! There's nothing to conduct!"

Okay, now here's something fairly interesting that I'm not quite sure how I feel about. There's this girl who sits in front of me in windO who plays french horn, and I hadn't ever really talked with her before tonight. But we discovered that she lives in Yosemite tower one (recall I'm in tower two) so we walked back to "the boonies" together after rehearsal. We talked about this and that and the other on the way; you know, "what's your major?" and "where are you from?" When we arrived at Yosemite we stood outside of her tower for a good five minutes before we finally managed to terminate the conversation. But that didn't happen until she asked what my phone number was. So there you have it...the first phone number I got from a girl in college. I know, it was handed to me, but I'll take my victories as they come. Ben and Courtney were quite proud of me...anyway, her name is Rosaile ("Rose-uh-lee"). We also talked a little about people drinking so much and we came to the conclusion that we need to hang out with each other on Friday and Saturday nights while everyone else goes and gets hammered. I set myself up pretty well on that one, didn't I?

And after that I came back home and finished the crossword puzzle, which turned into an effort by about six people in the tower two common room. We backed into a corner and got "smape" for "a thick urban air condition," which I'm pretty sure isn't a real word. But everything else around it fits, I swear! I'll get the answers tomorrow...

So tomorrow is looking like a low-key day. One class, a trip to the gym if I'm ambitious, and a marching band rehearsal that will most certainly be cut short due to the fact that marching band is over. But why tell you about it now? I'll be back tomorrow night...


mood: good
music: none
location: dorm

PS - an actual quote from The Engineering Student Survival Guide: "We [engineers] don't attract many members of the opposite sex."

Family Guy Quote-of-the-Day
Lois: "Peter, you're drunk again."
Peter: "No, I'm just exhausted because I've been up all night drinking."


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