Monday, December 13, 2004
Drive-By Fruiting
All right, here we go: the second attempt at a description of Saturday and Sunday, plus some of today added on for good measure. Hoo-ray. I’m actually typing this in Word because I’m not connected to the internet; I’m sitting down in the family room watching Mrs. Doubtfire. I love this movie! Did I ever tell you that I saw the house from Mrs. Doubtfire? It’s on Steiner Street in San Francisco…Dad and I went in search of it when I recognized the street name while the two of us were driving through California on our college tour. Interesting? No? Well, just a random fact…
I’ll skip through Saturday and Sunday and hit just the humorous/amusing tidbits I don’t want to forget:
-Kevin and I picked up Kevin’s friend Jeff from the SLO airport on Saturday because Jeff’s flight was cancelled and he had nothing to do for a few hours. The three of us had lunch at Carl’s Jr., and then we dropped Jeff back off at the airport. It was at that point that we noticed the restaurant next to the airport was named “The Spirit of San Luis.” Ha ha…get it? I thought it was amusing. Kevin thought it was “twice as punny for half the money.” (He hates that I find this quote hilarious because he thinks it’s stupid…oh well, you have to admit it’s at least moderately witty.) Anyway, this just goes to show that there’s never a dull moment at the SLO County Regional Airport.
-Kevin and I went to the basketball game against Loyola Marymont University (or something to that effect...I actually couldn’t remember at the time what “LMU” stood for so I just decided to refer to them as “Lower Michigan University”). The Mustangs overcame an early ten-point deficit to beat the Hornets in the end. Hooray. I had fun like I usually do at the games; Kevin met some bandos and learned some band cheers. On the way back from Mott Gym, I received a cell phone call from Ashley while we were in the middle of George. Well you can imagine my horror at having my cell phone go off right in the middle of a performance. I promptly turned off my phone to avoid any further embarrassment. Wait a minute…screw that! This is college band. I answered my phone and talked to Ashley as I Georged down the street. And it was awesome.
-Kevin and I left right after the game, making our traditional stop in Ventura for a Chipotle burrito and also stopping at the Irvine Spectrum to deliver the French horn to Rosalie. At one point in a Los Angeles traffic jam I had to slam on my brakes pretty hard to avoid hitting the car in front of me, and wouldn’t you know it? The sunglasses I lost back in September came flying out from under my seat. Hooray.
That does it for Saturday. Sunday was a fairly low-key day. Errands and stuff, not much else.
Okay, so here’s the skinny. We’ve been looking at getting me a new car because my Prelude has so many miles on it. It’s been a great car, but there has been debate over whether it’s safe enough for me to be driving, particularly through Los Angeles. I personally would love a new car because I could get something that can fit more people more comfortably. (Those of you who have ridden in the back of my Prelude will understand where I’m coming from.) So anyway, long story short, we bought a new car today. Well, to be more accurate, we bought a new used car – driven previously by someone else but new to me. It’s a relatively new car and it’s in such good condition that I think it feels like a new car…
So what car did I get, you ask? It’s a 2001 Volkswagen Jetta. I’ve always liked VWs…they’re not too expensive (not all of them, anyway…they actually have one called the Phaeton that retails for about $96,000) but they do – in my own opinion – have a lot of style. So yeah. The Jetta is smaller than most, but I can now fit five in my car comfortably. And you should see the trunk space! I’ll spare you all of the other details, but suffice it to say that it’s a very nice car and I’m very lucky to have it.
And that was the excitement for today. Mom and I even negotiated the price ourselves…we got about $1200 off of the sticker price…not bad for my first time, I guess. Oh, and here’s an amusing story: we had just purchased the car and I had driven it home. I was futzing with the rear-view mirror, and it fell off of the windshield. We had just written the check, and the car starts falling apart. I called Classic Volkswagen up and they said it’s not problem to fix it, so I’m taking the car down there tomorrow morning for the needed repairs. But really? What are the chances of that happening? It was pretty funny, but only because I’m still convinced that the car is in very good condition. But maybe I should go read that warranty information more closely…
Okay, well that’s all for now.
mood: peachy
music: watching Mrs. Doubtfire
location: family room, Mom’s House, San Diego, CA
PS – I’d like to apologize to Microsoft…I’m sure when you develop software as complicated as Microsoft’s you can hardly avoid crashing every so often…as frustrating as that is…
Family Guy Quote-of-the-Day
Peter: "Lois, when I'm through with them, our kids will be so smart, they'll be able to program their own VCRs without spilling piping hot gravy all over myself."
I’ll skip through Saturday and Sunday and hit just the humorous/amusing tidbits I don’t want to forget:
-Kevin and I picked up Kevin’s friend Jeff from the SLO airport on Saturday because Jeff’s flight was cancelled and he had nothing to do for a few hours. The three of us had lunch at Carl’s Jr., and then we dropped Jeff back off at the airport. It was at that point that we noticed the restaurant next to the airport was named “The Spirit of San Luis.” Ha ha…get it? I thought it was amusing. Kevin thought it was “twice as punny for half the money.” (He hates that I find this quote hilarious because he thinks it’s stupid…oh well, you have to admit it’s at least moderately witty.) Anyway, this just goes to show that there’s never a dull moment at the SLO County Regional Airport.
-Kevin and I went to the basketball game against Loyola Marymont University (or something to that effect...I actually couldn’t remember at the time what “LMU” stood for so I just decided to refer to them as “Lower Michigan University”). The Mustangs overcame an early ten-point deficit to beat the Hornets in the end. Hooray. I had fun like I usually do at the games; Kevin met some bandos and learned some band cheers. On the way back from Mott Gym, I received a cell phone call from Ashley while we were in the middle of George. Well you can imagine my horror at having my cell phone go off right in the middle of a performance. I promptly turned off my phone to avoid any further embarrassment. Wait a minute…screw that! This is college band. I answered my phone and talked to Ashley as I Georged down the street. And it was awesome.
-Kevin and I left right after the game, making our traditional stop in Ventura for a Chipotle burrito and also stopping at the Irvine Spectrum to deliver the French horn to Rosalie. At one point in a Los Angeles traffic jam I had to slam on my brakes pretty hard to avoid hitting the car in front of me, and wouldn’t you know it? The sunglasses I lost back in September came flying out from under my seat. Hooray.
That does it for Saturday. Sunday was a fairly low-key day. Errands and stuff, not much else.
Okay, so here’s the skinny. We’ve been looking at getting me a new car because my Prelude has so many miles on it. It’s been a great car, but there has been debate over whether it’s safe enough for me to be driving, particularly through Los Angeles. I personally would love a new car because I could get something that can fit more people more comfortably. (Those of you who have ridden in the back of my Prelude will understand where I’m coming from.) So anyway, long story short, we bought a new car today. Well, to be more accurate, we bought a new used car – driven previously by someone else but new to me. It’s a relatively new car and it’s in such good condition that I think it feels like a new car…
So what car did I get, you ask? It’s a 2001 Volkswagen Jetta. I’ve always liked VWs…they’re not too expensive (not all of them, anyway…they actually have one called the Phaeton that retails for about $96,000) but they do – in my own opinion – have a lot of style. So yeah. The Jetta is smaller than most, but I can now fit five in my car comfortably. And you should see the trunk space! I’ll spare you all of the other details, but suffice it to say that it’s a very nice car and I’m very lucky to have it.
And that was the excitement for today. Mom and I even negotiated the price ourselves…we got about $1200 off of the sticker price…not bad for my first time, I guess. Oh, and here’s an amusing story: we had just purchased the car and I had driven it home. I was futzing with the rear-view mirror, and it fell off of the windshield. We had just written the check, and the car starts falling apart. I called Classic Volkswagen up and they said it’s not problem to fix it, so I’m taking the car down there tomorrow morning for the needed repairs. But really? What are the chances of that happening? It was pretty funny, but only because I’m still convinced that the car is in very good condition. But maybe I should go read that warranty information more closely…
Okay, well that’s all for now.
mood: peachy
music: watching Mrs. Doubtfire
location: family room, Mom’s House, San Diego, CA
PS – I’d like to apologize to Microsoft…I’m sure when you develop software as complicated as Microsoft’s you can hardly avoid crashing every so often…as frustrating as that is…
Family Guy Quote-of-the-Day
Peter: "Lois, when I'm through with them, our kids will be so smart, they'll be able to program their own VCRs without spilling piping hot gravy all over myself."