Monday, December 06, 2004

Happy Birthday To Me

Well I just discovered that one of the little rubber footies on the underside of my laptop has fallen off. I can't find it, so now my Latitude tilts back and forth. I know everyone reading this knows how much things like that bug me...lack of symmetry and whatnot. I'll have to call Dell and badger them into sending me a replacement footie...

So hooray! My birthday has come and gone, although I still look forward to celebrating it at home next week. I slept in for a large part of the day, so there really isn't all that much to write about. But I'll give you the usual rundown anyway.

I got up somewhere in the neighborhood of 10:00. I took my shower and then opened the box that's been sitting on my desk for two days. I received it on Friday and assumed it was a birthday present, so I didn't open it. It turned out to be Backgammon for Winners sent to me by Dad. Over Thanksgiving I played a lot of backgammon with Dad, Uncle Roland, and family, and Dad kept saying how he had read a book on backgammon strategy that got him interested in the game and how he thought I should do the same. So now I can do just that. Thanks, Dad!

I met the band crew at Vista Grande Restaurant for brunch. I wasn't overly hungry, so I totally didn't get my $13.62 worth of food. What I did have, however, was pretty good. (Plus, I have too many plus dollars anyway.) So that was fun.

I went directly from VGR to the music building to warm up for the basketball game. Long story short, we watched the Mustangs lose by a couple of points to the University of San Francisco Dons (at least, it sounded like the announcer kept calling them Dons). So frustrating! In addition, we didn't have a tenor drum player who was able to come to the game, and as a result we weren't able to George down to Mott Gym. Can you believe it? Not getting to George on my birthday! That aside, I always enjoy pep band games, and this was no exception. I was also quite thrilled that there wasn't a water cooler around for people to dump on me because it was my birthday (as is the tradition during marching season). So woot for staying dry. Oh, and we do this one thing called "Ow!" where the winds play a little introduction thingy into a drum cadence and then dance through it until it ends and everyone yells "Ow!" (appropriately enough). Well, it being my birthday and all, the piccolos and clarinets decided I deserved some special treatment, so they came up and surrounded me, shimmying the whole time. I don't know how to describe in words just what a shimmy was pretty hilarious. Definitely memorable. So that was that.

By 5:30 that evening I was ready to meet Rosalie, Heather, and Steven to go to mass. Rosalie drove us over to the mission, then to dinner at Firestone (yummy tri-tip sandwich), then to Bali's for frozen yogurt (which Rosalie treated me to). The three of them quietly sang happy birthday to me over our was actually quite touching because I've known these people for a week now and yet they seem to have so much interest in it being my birthday. Really, they seem very considerate...they're the kind of people who don't really ever say anything bad about anyone, which is very refreshing. They don't drink, they don't sleep with everyone they meet, they go to church...these are the kind of people I've been looking for since I moved here, and I'm so glad to have found them. (Don't get me wrong...I still love the band folk...they're just slightly too perverse for my taste.) So yes, those of you who said that the my kind of people are here somewhere, they just take longer to find, were absolutely correct.

Steven had to leave us after we returned from dinner because he had a take-home final he needed to finish before Monday. Neither Rosalie, Heather, nor myself had a final on Monday, so we went up to their room and stayed up until 1 talking. That was fun. (It was at this point that the pair of them discovered that I have a blog, so in case either of them ever happen to read this, hi Rosalie and Heather!)

And then Monday happened, with lots of sleeping in and calculus studying and piano practice. I'm not going to go into detail to describe today because my music theory final starts at 7 tomorrow morning; I need to get to bed now. So good night, sleep tight, and I'll see you soon.


mood: relaxed...this is turning into quite an easy week
music: Kevin's stuff...some symphonic goodness
location: dorm

Family Guy Quote-of-the-Day
Stewie: "Yes, I rather like this God fellow. He's very theatrical, you know. A pestilence here, a plague there. Omnipotence. Gotta get me some of that."


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