Saturday, March 26, 2005

December, 1963

What a week this has been! Where to start...?

The end of Tuesday was mostly uneventful. VW decided my windshield needed replacing so they had to keep my car until the next day. Courtney and I, carless, managed to get Mom to take us with her to her house under construction in north Poway. We explored the site for a while and then returned to Mom's house. That night we stayed up watching a few episodes of Friends.

Wednesday was also relatively mellow. Courtney and I spent the morning together before Mike came to whisk her away on a trip of laughtracking and rollercoastering. For lunch, I met Stacie, Jenna, and Mike at Mexicantina in Poway (where I had lunch with Mom and Dave on Friday). Sadly, I was not hungry enough to tackle the fajitas, so I settled for a shredded beef taco. The four of us sat around there for at least an hour or two chatting and catching up. I was taken back home by Mike (as I still had not received my fixed car from VW), and I spent the afternoon doing errands and stuff, such as giving my trumpet a bath. That evening was spent at Stacie's, again chatting and catching up.

Thursday morning was an early one, because we had to get up to go to DISNEYLAND! It was the middle of the week and it was rainy, but there were still a bazillion people in the happiest place on Earth. Many of them had left by about 3:00, so line lengths dropped. The five of us (me, Joanna, Stacie, Mike, and Justin...Irene was sick) hit every ride there was to hit. We also found five hidden mickeys:
1. in the happy haunts' ballroom table plates
2. in the Captain's bedside chair
3. in the walls of the attacked Spanish fort
4. in the lips and nostrils of Mara
5. in the rusty gears along the tracks of Big Thunder
Other highlights included Stacie being serenaded by a barbershop quartet on Main Street ("Bicycle Built for Two"), paying up the wazoo for a piece of chicken and a couple of ribs for lunch, and an in-depth comparison of which side of the Matterhorn was more worth the wait. The five of us partied hearty until the park's closure at midnight, at which point we drove to the San Clemente Denny's (because Carrows was closed) for some dinner (because we'll be darned before paying another $15 each for another meal!). I was dropped off at home by Joanna at around 2:30.

Friday was another day full of errands and relaxation. I enjoy the days where I can take care of all the little things that never get taken care of...Anyway, I met Dad for an early dinner at P.F. Chang's. On my way back up to Ramona, I thought I'd call some of my friends to see if they wanted to donate blood with me the next day, and in doing so I discovered a surprise birthday party for Mitchell under way at Brig's house. I drove all the way back down the mountain for another evening of chatting and catching up with a bunch of my friends I otherwise would not have seen this break.

I got up earlier this morning so Dad and I could have breakfast at the OPH. From there I went over to the Vons in PQ to give blood. I managed to save three lives without any problems at all; it was wonderful! I had eaten well and taken in a lot of fluids, so I didn't feel faint at all. And I'm evidently in good hooray! I spent the afternoon shopping with Mom, and the evening with Alena (which included a very good dinner cooked by Mom and a movie).

And that covers everything up to this point. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm quite exhausted and I hafta get up early for Easter service. So good night.

Oh what a night,

PS - allow me to draw your attention to a new feature of Living the SLO Life: a list of movies that I need to see at the bottom of the sidebar at right. These movies are all must-sees (or so I've heard) but I have yet to see them. If I do finally get around to watching one of these, I'll put an X next to it. I'm pretty sure there are more movies that are supposed to be listed there, but I can't remember them at the moment. Feel free to make suggestions.

mood: thoughtful...I've a lot of my mind due to some recent conversations I've had
music: "Sue Me" from Guys and Dolls
location: Mom's house, San Diego, CA


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