Thursday, March 17, 2005


I awoke this morning at 5:30 to the sound of Kevin coming into the room. I had only been asleep for three or four hours, and as such I was quite groggy. I could not for the life of me figure out what was going on. Kevin had told me he planned to get back at 11:00 the night before, but I didn't remember him coming home. Now he was in the room. Is he coming? Is he going? Why is it so early!? I was so confused. He left after about twenty minutes, and with the absence of opening and closing drawers and closet doors I was able to fall back to sleep. I love waking up in the early morning - when it's just starting to become light outside - and then going back to sleep. So hooray.

I went to the gym again this morning, and I met my goal of biking three miles in ten minutes on level 10 on one of the stationary bikes. It was a modest goal, but I still succeeded. And hey, I had just ran a mile on the treadmill, so give me a break! I had a smoothie for breakfast, as I generally do when I go to the gym. Our campus smoothie shop is just as good as Jamba, so I'm quite thrilled about that.

After showering I drove my car over to Kimball Motors, the local GM dealer. Do you recall the story of my rear-view mirror falling off the same day I bought the new VW? Well, last night when Courtney and I found my car to drive to Firestone, it had happened again. What was that about a 170-point, dealer-certified inspection? Sigh. I had expected to have it fixed here, but Kimball said they would have to charge me for the repair. I told them I was under warranty, and that a mirror falling off while the car sat unused in a parking lot was certainly not "normal wear and tear," but to no avail. They did manage to detach the mirror from the wires, so at least it's no longer dangling in my face when I drive. But I am going to have to drive from SLO to SD without the mirror. Oh well, at least it won't be night time, and I do still have my side mirrors. Still, wish me luck...

I spent another hour or two practicing West Side Story music, and also random songs on piano. I'm pretty sure I was the only person in the whole music building for that time, and it was delightful. It's fun being in public places like that on the rare occasions that they're deserted.

For dinner, I went with Ben, Nate, Dave, and Sandra to Firestone (again). I wasn't entirely hungry, so I just a cheeseburger and skipped the fries. Oh the excitement!

Upon return to Yosemite, I participated in an Easter egg hunt on the floor (which was a completely spontaneous production) and played Text Twist on Yahoo! with Danielle and Danny, a couple of the people who live in my tower. We almost broke the 30,000-point threshold, but not quite. Some other time, maybe...

I spent maybe a half an hour playing Zelda on N64, with Kevin watching me. (He says Zelda is the only game he enjoys watching other people play.) And that concluded the day.

I'm in a much better mood than I was in yesterday, although all of the stuff I talked about still holds true and is still on my mind. Joanna and Stacie are right, though: I'll find my way. Thanks for the advice, guys.

Top 'o the mornin' to yah,

mood: pretty good...nothing specific
music: Kevin is listening to a recording of Dave, Shelly, and Chainsaw quietly as he falls asleep, but I'm playing West Side Story music in my head
location: dorm

Quoted Randomness:
"Kelly, your Red Vines are so girthy!"
--Danny, from the floor below mine


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