Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Spring Break '05

I have officially completed all coursework for winter quarter! Ha! Nothing more to do until March 28! Hooray...

So I got up today at around 9:00 and went to the gym. I was already sore form going a couple days ago, so now I'm uber-sore. At least the affected area has moved from my back to my arms. And, I feel so manly walking around and flexing to try and make the soreness go away. I know what you're thinking...but trust me, if I could in some way communicate to you in words what it looks like, you'd change your mind! *cough*

I spent about four hours studying for computer science, and about four minutes studying for chem. I think I did well on both tests (chem from 4 to 6, comp sci from 7 to 10), although neither was all that much fun to take. If I had been worried about chem, I'd probably be pretty peeved right now. We've been given the equations on each of the three midterms, but they were nowhere to be found on the final. This is a pretty big deal, and I would have expected more notice to have been given. Oh well. It was multiple choice, so I guess it kind of evens out (except that there's no partial credit!). Comp sci was fine, too...but computer programs were not meant to be written without a computer!! Everything was simple enough to do with paper and pencil...until the last problem. I had to write a program that spanned over two pages. Gah! It's not that I can't handle writing that's just that programming often requires lots of debugging and changing stuff which is much easier when you have access to a backspace key. I spent about 2.5 hours taking the final and the last half hour checking it; I'm pretty sure I did everything correctly (although I've yet to write a program that didn't have compilation errors the first time through, and that's with a computer). But, then again, who cares?! It's spring break, man!

After the finals had ended, I called Courtney because we had talked about doing something tonight. She was studying and needed to continue doing so, but she said she needed a break so we decided that I should come over for just a little while. We talked for a couple of hours (what? that's kind of like a little while...ish) and then I came home. How exciting.

And that was today. Today's blog time: eleven minutes. Piccadilly! I'm having fun now.

Oh, and I joined facebook if any of yous all has got a profile, befriend me!

Party on,

mood: tired of sitting (but at least I went to the gym this morning)
music: the sweet sound of silence (and the occasional toilet flush from the bathroom)
location: dorm


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