Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Atlantic, Ventnor, and Marvin Gardens
My midterms on Friday all went fine. They had their minor hiccups, but on the whole I did well. Heres a quick rundown:
--Calculus IV: I knew how to do every one of the six problems. Unfortunately, I misplaced a two in one of the equations at the beginning of the last problem, and it totally screwed up my answer. I understand the complicated calculus concepts, but of course I screw up in the seventh-grade algebra simplification. Darn it! I figured my teacher wouldnt take off a whole lot of points since I understood the underlying concepts of the problem (seeing as how I solve my incorrect equation correctly). If he didnt give me some partial credit, I had a whole speech worked out to argue my case. But long story short, I ended up not losing any points at all for that problem. Why? It turns out Dr. Jimenez decided that the problem was unfair for some reason, so he just threw the entire problem out for everybody. Haha Im quite amused at my luck. Final score: 49/50.
--Digital Design: This one was fine. There wasnt anything I know I did wrong, but there is a high potential for error on this one. When youre given a function that you need to implicate in circuit form, there are pretty much an infinite number of ways to do it. Im supposed to find the most efficient circuit, but theres no way to know when youve got that. All you can do is try different circuits until you get bored and then pick the best one out of the ones you tried. Yes its a brilliant process. Final score: unknown as of right now.
--Linear Analysis: No explanation needed: I rocked this exam. Final score: 50/50.
There isnt really any other academic news to report tonight Ill move right into my weekend.
I had the best weekend ever!! Courtney came over on Friday evening. We played a game of Monopoly and then ordered pizza to be delivered (which I've had the ability to do with my meal plan all year but hadn't yet actually done). After the pizza we went over to Courtney's and watched Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark. (Check!) It was a most exciting night.
Courtney and I had breakfast at Light House on Saturday morning. I LOVE Light House breakfast! I spent the greater part of Saturday afternoon doing my math homework, and then doing my other math homework. I found (to my frustration) that the first problem of my calculus homework (which was assigned on Thursday) was the very same problem that I screwed up on the midterm. Grumble grumble...it turned out not to matter, but still! Grumble...
Courtney and I went to the chop (trumpet) party on Saturday night. There was quite a movement for me to attend this one, which was part of the reason that I ended up going. The other part was that everyone seems to enjoy parties; I should give them a chance. So yeah. The chops hadn't had a party in a pretty long time, so everyone got pretty darned plastered pretty darned quick. (According to Courtney, it usually isn't "that bad.") Courtney and I had ginger ale to drink, so we could play along with all of their drinking games. I felt pretty welcome at the party, but somehow I still felt out of place. Part of it was all the drinking (I'm not opposed to drinking...I just don't personally ever want to be drunk) and part of it was just being there with all the people (we all know my issues with socializing with more than one unfamiliar person at a time). I spent a large part of the night twiddling my thumbs...but having Courtney there made it infinitely easier. She and I left earlier than most -- about midnight or a little while after. I wasn't feeling too good about the whole ordeal, but Courtney cheered me up. In time I will probably be able to be more comfortable in a setting such as the chop party, but for the time being I guess it's okay that I'm not. Many thanks are in order for Courtney; I could not have made it through the evening without her. She is -- in a word (or two) -- absolutely wonderful.
Sunday morning was spent at mass and at Vista Grande brunch. While beckoning the waiter for some hot chocolate, I thoroughly entertained Jenn with my mannerisms. Apparently, I'm "a billboard waiting to happen." She insisted that I strike the pose so that she could take a picture and then work some Photoshop magic on it. Here are the fruits of her labor:

Sunday afternoon was spent with Bloomie, Margaret, Jenn, and Courtney playing another game of Monopoly. I happened to roll into a monopoly on the yellow properties by pure luck, and although it was slow progress I eventually ended up with all of everything. (This should explain the second of Jenn's billboards.) It was thoroughly enjoyable. Jenn had to go to some meeting after a few hours so we called it quits, and I spent the rest of the evening doing some more homework and eating dinner. I went over to Courtney's at ten or eleven or so, and we ended up talking until after midnight.
And that was my weekend. Yes, it was full of time spent with Courtney...I'm not sure if you're all tired of hearing about her. But if you are then you're either going to need to get over it or you're going to need to stop reading this blog. I couldn't be happier with my relationship with her; you'll have to forgive me if she's on my mind a lot.
There has been an interesting development or two recently, but I'll save that for another night. Kevin has gone to sleep and I don't want to stay up in here typing. So I'm off to bed.
$1200 please,
mood: satisfied with things as of late
music: "Costa del Sol" -- a piano piece on a CD borrowed from Courtney
location: dorm
--Calculus IV: I knew how to do every one of the six problems. Unfortunately, I misplaced a two in one of the equations at the beginning of the last problem, and it totally screwed up my answer. I understand the complicated calculus concepts, but of course I screw up in the seventh-grade algebra simplification. Darn it! I figured my teacher wouldnt take off a whole lot of points since I understood the underlying concepts of the problem (seeing as how I solve my incorrect equation correctly). If he didnt give me some partial credit, I had a whole speech worked out to argue my case. But long story short, I ended up not losing any points at all for that problem. Why? It turns out Dr. Jimenez decided that the problem was unfair for some reason, so he just threw the entire problem out for everybody. Haha Im quite amused at my luck. Final score: 49/50.
--Digital Design: This one was fine. There wasnt anything I know I did wrong, but there is a high potential for error on this one. When youre given a function that you need to implicate in circuit form, there are pretty much an infinite number of ways to do it. Im supposed to find the most efficient circuit, but theres no way to know when youve got that. All you can do is try different circuits until you get bored and then pick the best one out of the ones you tried. Yes its a brilliant process. Final score: unknown as of right now.
--Linear Analysis: No explanation needed: I rocked this exam. Final score: 50/50.
There isnt really any other academic news to report tonight Ill move right into my weekend.
I had the best weekend ever!! Courtney came over on Friday evening. We played a game of Monopoly and then ordered pizza to be delivered (which I've had the ability to do with my meal plan all year but hadn't yet actually done). After the pizza we went over to Courtney's and watched Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark. (Check!) It was a most exciting night.
Courtney and I had breakfast at Light House on Saturday morning. I LOVE Light House breakfast! I spent the greater part of Saturday afternoon doing my math homework, and then doing my other math homework. I found (to my frustration) that the first problem of my calculus homework (which was assigned on Thursday) was the very same problem that I screwed up on the midterm. Grumble grumble...it turned out not to matter, but still! Grumble...
Courtney and I went to the chop (trumpet) party on Saturday night. There was quite a movement for me to attend this one, which was part of the reason that I ended up going. The other part was that everyone seems to enjoy parties; I should give them a chance. So yeah. The chops hadn't had a party in a pretty long time, so everyone got pretty darned plastered pretty darned quick. (According to Courtney, it usually isn't "that bad.") Courtney and I had ginger ale to drink, so we could play along with all of their drinking games. I felt pretty welcome at the party, but somehow I still felt out of place. Part of it was all the drinking (I'm not opposed to drinking...I just don't personally ever want to be drunk) and part of it was just being there with all the people (we all know my issues with socializing with more than one unfamiliar person at a time). I spent a large part of the night twiddling my thumbs...but having Courtney there made it infinitely easier. She and I left earlier than most -- about midnight or a little while after. I wasn't feeling too good about the whole ordeal, but Courtney cheered me up. In time I will probably be able to be more comfortable in a setting such as the chop party, but for the time being I guess it's okay that I'm not. Many thanks are in order for Courtney; I could not have made it through the evening without her. She is -- in a word (or two) -- absolutely wonderful.
Sunday morning was spent at mass and at Vista Grande brunch. While beckoning the waiter for some hot chocolate, I thoroughly entertained Jenn with my mannerisms. Apparently, I'm "a billboard waiting to happen." She insisted that I strike the pose so that she could take a picture and then work some Photoshop magic on it. Here are the fruits of her labor:

Sunday afternoon was spent with Bloomie, Margaret, Jenn, and Courtney playing another game of Monopoly. I happened to roll into a monopoly on the yellow properties by pure luck, and although it was slow progress I eventually ended up with all of everything. (This should explain the second of Jenn's billboards.) It was thoroughly enjoyable. Jenn had to go to some meeting after a few hours so we called it quits, and I spent the rest of the evening doing some more homework and eating dinner. I went over to Courtney's at ten or eleven or so, and we ended up talking until after midnight.
And that was my weekend. Yes, it was full of time spent with Courtney...I'm not sure if you're all tired of hearing about her. But if you are then you're either going to need to get over it or you're going to need to stop reading this blog. I couldn't be happier with my relationship with her; you'll have to forgive me if she's on my mind a lot.
There has been an interesting development or two recently, but I'll save that for another night. Kevin has gone to sleep and I don't want to stay up in here typing. So I'm off to bed.
$1200 please,
mood: satisfied with things as of late
music: "Costa del Sol" -- a piano piece on a CD borrowed from Courtney
location: dorm