Tuesday, April 12, 2005

They're Watching You

Yes...I know what you're thinking. The aliens are watching you. But no, that's not what I meant. I'm not sure how many of you have seen this, but Kevin made me aware of this phenomenon tonight. Go to http://maps.google.com and click on "satellite" in the upper-right corner. Then type your home address in the search bar, and prepare to be freaked out! I'm very impressed with this mapping software...I'll have to switch over from mapquest.

Anywho, I thought that was an interesting little way to kill a few minutes. Kind of like the rest of my day, actually...

Class was good today. I had only math, and I stayed after in both classes to pick my professors' brains in an effort to understand stuff, and I think it kind of worked. I also had a quiz in linear analysis that I'm sure I did well on. So hooray.

I met Courtney and a bunch of MB people for lunch. We went to the Avenue, but as it was so overcrowded we took our food outside and ate on the grass next to Building 52. It was lots of fun...

After more class I met Courtney for dinner; we went to Back Stage. I was only with her for twenty minutes or so before she had to go to WOW training, but I thoroughly enjoyed the time. The company? Superb. The pizza? Marginal.

I spent at least a couple of hours on my digital design homework. I very much like the class, but the homework is enough to drive anyone crazy. Here's an example for you: say you have a function F that is only true (i.e. it's a 1, not a 0) when the input is 2 or 3, and is false when the input is 0 or 1. So, F is true when the input is 2 or 3. You could also say F is false when the input is 0 or 1. Simple, right? Sure...but you also could say that the opposite of F is true when the input is 0 or 1, or that the opposite of F is false when the input is 2 or 3. All four of these statements say the exact same thing, but I have to write them all out. I know it doesn't sound like that much of a pain, but imagine that you can have 16 or 32 different inputs, and you have to account for them all. And you can't say "6"; you have to say "1010". Trust me, it's tedious. But it's finished.

The only other thing I did of interest today was to switch back from iTunes to Windows Media Player. iTunes is great and all, but Media Player has the same features, plus some extra things that iTunes doesn't have. Namely, Media Player minimizes into my taskbar in a handy little mini player that I enjoy quite a bit. Blah blah blah go all the Mac users out there; I'll fight with you about it some other time. Anyway, I spent about an hour reorganizing all of my music.

Can you tell I'm less busy this week? It's nice...without all the dress rehearsals I'm able to stay on top of all my homework. Life is so much better when I don't have pending assignments hovering over me all day...

Okay, well I should go because Kevin has attempted to go to bed. I'll talk to you later.

Under constant surveillance,

PS - I'm getting the feeling that not a whole lot of people are reading this blog anymore. If you do still read it, please leave me a comment so I'll know. It may affect how often I update if I know how many people still read this. Thanks.

mood: restless...I've been inside for too long
music: the overture to West Side Story...again
location: dorm


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