Thursday, April 28, 2005


I have only a couple of things to go over tonight...after which I must be off to bed so I'm awake for my midterm tomorrow (only one this time).

This is random...but I meant to mention it earlier: both of the ASI referenda failed to pass last week. Hooray! The one about the minor ASI fee increase was close...I think it was defeated by a margin of 75 votes. The second - and (to me) more important - measure about the rather large UU fee increase was shot down by a much larger percentage: 67% voted against it. So that makes me a little happier.

I'm still in the market for a piano teacher. I finally got something on the phone other than an answering machine; unfortunately, she was too busy to take on more students. She did, however, give me a few more numbers to try. Long story short: I've set up an interview with this one lady to see if we're "a good match." I'm kinda thinking that we're not. Why? For one, she lives in Arroyo Grande, a good twenty minute drive from SLO. Two, she costs a crapload of money. And three, she seemed a little to intense for me. I mean, I want someone who will push me a little bit (how else can I expect to improve at all?) but she was talking about how she "let a few students go" because they didn't meet her standards. I want to work at piano, but it still needs to fall into the "leisure" category. It's a hobby, not a job. Also, Courtney's roommate (who grew up in SLO) says she knows of a local I'll investigate that and see what comes of it.

There was a phat thunderstorm last night. We lost power for a good couple of hours. I don't have a backup battery in my alarm clock, so you'd think I'd have been late for my first class or something...but no. Why? Because the sound of the lights turning off woke me up. Sigh...I set the alarm on my watch for 6:30 so I could wake Kevin up in case his alarm didn't go off for his 7:00 class. And it worked like a charm. Hooary. It was quite an exciting ordeal, though...while I was awake during the storm I decided to go to the bathroom. There were lights on in the common room (running on some kind of backup power) but the bathroom was completely dark. It creeped me out! There aren't switches in the bathroom; the light is always on. Man, it was a little unnerving to pee in the dark. Who knows what kind of aliens hide in dark bathrooms!?

Kelly Mahon came up to SLO today to pick up Steve Barr. They're driving back down to San Diego this weekend for Steve's birthday. Woot. I entertained Kelly for an hour while Steve was taking a midterm...that was interesting. We went to the Avenue; I bought Kelly a chili dog with my excess of plu$ dollars. Oh the excitement.'s always good to see people from home.

There was a marching band meeting today, the purpose of which was to start discussing some of what we plan to do for next year. MB doesn't officially meet during spring quarter, so these meetings are pretty much the only form of organization we have as a group. We weren't required to attend, but I was actually very excited to do so. I've decided that I'd really like a leadership position next year...I'm hoping for historian, but I told Lizz that I'd take anything that was open (which could turn out to be uniform manager, personnel manager, or equipment manager). I'd be very excited to do any of these things...the Mustang Band is very much more of a student-run organization than was the Royal Regiment and I'd feel pretty darned good about myself if I could devote some of my time to it. Remember all of my posts about my not being able to find a passion? Well, Mustang Band is it.

And that's it. These are the things of interest that have happened to me over the past few days. Utterly fascinating, I know. As much as I am enjoying writing right now, I must cease to do so. So goodbye for now.

Who needs seamless transitions and fancy titles?

mood: good...I'm happy that I don't have all that much homework this weekend.
music: "She Loves You" by the Beatles
location: empty dormroom...don't know where Kevin is...


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