Tuesday, May 24, 2005
43 Down
Hey! Guess where I am! If you said "in your room," then no! I'm sitting in the library with Rosalie, Heather, and Rosalie's chemistry friend, ready to help Rosalie with any chemical questions that arise. (I think it shall be fun to denote where throughout the composition of this entry I stop to help, so if you see some chemistry topic surrounded by a double asterisk, that's where I was asked a question.) It is interesting to note that this is either the fourth or fifth time that I've set foot in this building this year. I went in a couple of times during fall quarter as part of a "learn how to use the library" assignment, **electronegativity**lattice energy** and I came in once a couple of weeks ago because I needed to use a computer and didn't want to walk all the way back to my room. So hooray for finally "using" the library.
So what did I do today? After getting up and getting ready, I decided to ride my bike to class (because I was late enough to necessitate a speedier mode of transportation than walking). I've somehow developed leg muscles over the past couple of months, because riding my bike back up the hill after class was exceedingly easy. (Yay for not being as feeble as I was a little while ago!) As far as class went today, I had two math lectures and a circuits lab today...oh the excitement. But hey, that circuits lab was the last experiment I'm going to have to do for that class...and I finished the report before I went home. So goodbye, EE 241.
Between the first and second math lectures I stopped by the music building to practice piano for a good **Lewis Structures**VSEPR Theory** 45 minutes. After that, it was off to lunch at the Avenue with Courtney and the rest of the MU 101 crew. I had a sandwich, but they were out of my Tony Roma's BBQ chips. Boo hoo. But I had fun doing yesterday's crossword puzzle (with a little help from Amy).
With the rest of my spare time, I did all of my homework for both of my math classes, and this leaves me with absolutely no homework left to complete. That's good...but I've been a little bored this evening. I read a bunch of C.S. Lewis's The Great Divorce, and I watched some Family Guy. I was on my way to the gym (out of a lack of anything better to do) at about 10:45, when Rosalie called wanting help with chem. I agreed to meet her at the UU. I arrived there to find the UU closed...but Rosalie and Heather were waiting to walk with me down to the library. (Those two are crafty...they knew I wouldn't want to walk down to the library...) And here I am.
I know, I know. Not the most exciting day, huh? Well, you can't have daily updates and interesting **more VSEPR theory** updates. I'll talk to you soon.
Methods: abbr,
mood: bored
music: none
location: library
So what did I do today? After getting up and getting ready, I decided to ride my bike to class (because I was late enough to necessitate a speedier mode of transportation than walking). I've somehow developed leg muscles over the past couple of months, because riding my bike back up the hill after class was exceedingly easy. (Yay for not being as feeble as I was a little while ago!) As far as class went today, I had two math lectures and a circuits lab today...oh the excitement. But hey, that circuits lab was the last experiment I'm going to have to do for that class...and I finished the report before I went home. So goodbye, EE 241.
Between the first and second math lectures I stopped by the music building to practice piano for a good **Lewis Structures**VSEPR Theory** 45 minutes. After that, it was off to lunch at the Avenue with Courtney and the rest of the MU 101 crew. I had a sandwich, but they were out of my Tony Roma's BBQ chips. Boo hoo. But I had fun doing yesterday's crossword puzzle (with a little help from Amy).
With the rest of my spare time, I did all of my homework for both of my math classes, and this leaves me with absolutely no homework left to complete. That's good...but I've been a little bored this evening. I read a bunch of C.S. Lewis's The Great Divorce, and I watched some Family Guy. I was on my way to the gym (out of a lack of anything better to do) at about 10:45, when Rosalie called wanting help with chem. I agreed to meet her at the UU. I arrived there to find the UU closed...but Rosalie and Heather were waiting to walk with me down to the library. (Those two are crafty...they knew I wouldn't want to walk down to the library...) And here I am.
I know, I know. Not the most exciting day, huh? Well, you can't have daily updates and interesting **more VSEPR theory** updates. I'll talk to you soon.
Methods: abbr,
mood: bored
music: none
location: library