Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Bruins, Irish, Illini, Aggies, and Mustangs

I meant to write yesterday, but I spent far too much time at Rosalie's helping her with math. (Coincidentally, I spent far too much time helping her with chemistry tonight...but I don't have class until 10:00 tomorrow.) So we'll start with the stuff I meant to get through yesterday.

Happy Birthday Dad! Monday was Dad's 50th birthday. He called me Sunday afternoon. Where was he? Houston. Why? He was catching a connecting flight to Paris. Why was he going to Paris? Because his train to Germany leaves from Paris. Why is he going to Germany? Because he can. Uncle Roland is in Munich on business, so Dad used his fly-for-free pass from my cousin Adam (who is a pilot for Continental) to get to Germany. I'm very happy that Dad is able to do this...Dad has always said that his birthday doesn't mean as much to him as the day just preceding it: his last day at a certain age. Well, Sunday was Dad's last day in his forties, and he spent his final hours of his fourth decade over the Atlantic. I think there's some poetic justice in this...but then what the heck do I know about that? The point is, Dad has been finding time to go on these mini vacations, and I'm happy that he seems to be enjoying himself.

I got both of my midterms back. I made a couple of stupid mistakes on my digital design test; these cost me a few points. Final score: 71/76. Stupid mistakes are the best kind, because they mean that I could have done the problem had I had a little more time or had I paid a little more attention to what I was doing. I understand the concepts, and that's what's important to me. But then maybe I'm just justifying those five points...whatever. It's still an A! In circuit analysis, I did lose some credit as a result of the mistake I told you about. She did see my second answer, though, so I got most of the credit. Final score: 24.5/25. Fo rizzle! I also got my quizzes back for each of my math classes; I did well on both of them. So long story short, Monday was a very good day as far as academics go.

I guess those were the only two things I wanted to mention yesterday...I can't remember anything else. Let's move on to today...

I walked into my calculus class today (my first class) and was surprised to find the teacher of my other math class sitting at one of the desks and looking at me as I came through the door. I had been daydreaming and was therefore on autopilot as I walked to class. Why is my other math teacher in this class? Is this the right room? Which class am I supposed to have first? What day is today? I was quite confounded but I hesitantly took a seat in the back nonetheless. It turns out Dr. Gu was there to observe the class for some reason; I guess he's just brushing up on his calculus. just threw me a curve ball...curve balls are bad when I'm on autopilot...

After all of my classes and homework were said and done, I decided to catch up with two of my very good friends from home: Alena and Jenna. I hadn't talked to either of them in a good while, so it was high time that I called them. I spent over an hour and a half on the phone, and the conversations I had put me in a good mood. I've felt like I'm drifting away from my friends from home, and I now feel a little less that that's the case. Yay!

Speaking of friends from home, national college choice deadline day passed over the weekend. Here is my knowledge of the choices my c/0 2005 comrades have made:

UCLA: Ashley, Sara
Notre Dame: Kate
U. of Illinois: Lauren
UC Davis: everybody and their grandmother (specifically: Jenna, Alena, Mitchell, Emily)
Cal Poly: Brig, Renee

Congratulations to all of you for finally making a decision. I'm sure you'll all be happy where you end up. Good job in particular to Brig and Renee for making the right decision. (Kidding! Only kidding! Different schools for different people, of course...) Also, woot for Ashley for being the only one that I know of to be in the marching band! People in marching band are, simply, frickin' awesome.

One last thing before I go: the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life is taking place May 14-15 here at Cal Poly. If you've never heard of it/don't know much about it, it's basically a fundraiser for ACS. I won't get into the specifics of it here (but if you're interested, ask me...or Courtney). Long story short, I'm helping to collect donations to further ACS's cause. If anyone reading this can spare a few bucks (I'll take anything!) then please let me know. Seriously, no donation is too small. And hey, I'll even pay for you and y'all can just pay me back next time you see me. See? I'm so generous! But yeah, it would make me (and lots of other people) really happy if you could donate some of your spare change...

Okay, I must sign off now. I'm getting up a little earlier than usual tomorrow so I can go to a couple of my teacher's office hours to see if I can't get them to donate. Wish me luck!

Ride high you [school mascot],

mood: better than earlier today
music: Kevin's renaissance delight
location: dorm

PS - Remind me this weekend to tell you about the wager Courtney and I have going on.

Quoted Randomness:
[headline on a newspapaer in American Dad]
"Stuff happens as wave of ambiguity spreads."


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