Sunday, May 08, 2005
Lactose-Intolerant Vegetarian
Here are the pictures from the dance that I forgot to post yesterday:

That last one there is a picture of Mike (not Courtney) and me. Mike went to Poway High (booooooo!); he's in MB, windE, and KKY now. He's also in one of my math classes, so I've gotten to know him through our mutual dislike for linear analysis. He's pretty awesome...I'm glad to have gotten to know him this quarter.
Anyway, I don't feel like writing much right now. I didn't do anything entirely noteworthy today. I'll mention that I watched Family Guy (new episodes of which are finally being produced by Fox) tonight with Courtney and was, sadly, quite disappointed. The plot was lacking, and the jokes were predictable and/or entirely too crude. We also watched American Dad, which is a new show on Fox; this one was even less satisfying. (It's pretty much Family Guy with slightly different characters.) I'm actually kind of happy to not be finding anything worth my time on TV...I would, however, like one show to watch. You know, something that I set aside a half an hour for once a week. I was hoping Family Guy would be that, but the new episodes (two so far) are leaving much to be desired. Sigh...
I also talked to Joanna for about an hour, which made me happy. I hadn't talked to her in a great while, so it was good catching up.
Oh! I suppose you're wondering about my bet with Courtney. Well, just in case I'll tell you anyway. KKY had a beach day this weekend, and they had planned a fundraiser in which you could pay a few bucks to hit someone (of your choice) with a pie. Courtney was confident that she wasn't "on anyone's bad list," but I was pretty sure just about anyone would pay money to be able to throw something at Courtney's face. (If you haven't known her long enough to find the hilarity in her facial expressions, you are sorely missing out. Seriously...did you look at the third picture above?) We were both fairly confident in our opinions, so we decided on the following: if someone did hit Courtney with a pie, then I win. (What do I win? Pride. Darn this one-sided bet!) But if Courtney didn't get hit, then she would get to hit me with a pie. (It seemed like a good idea at the time...I knew I was going to win...) Well, it turned out that no one decided to throw a pie at Courtney...but that was only because they never got around to actually doing the fundraiser on Saturday. So technically I lost (because I didn't specify that the event had to take place) but we both agreed that that was crap. So I guess it was a draw. Yeah, I know...sorry the outcome isn't the most exciting...but I'm certainly relieved. So woot.
Okay, I should be off to bed. Bleh...Monday tomorrow....bleh.
Do you get the most out of your dining plan?
mood: not wanting to go to school tomorrow
music: "Kronos Unveiled" from The Incredibles soundtrack
location: dorm

That last one there is a picture of Mike (not Courtney) and me. Mike went to Poway High (booooooo!); he's in MB, windE, and KKY now. He's also in one of my math classes, so I've gotten to know him through our mutual dislike for linear analysis. He's pretty awesome...I'm glad to have gotten to know him this quarter.
Anyway, I don't feel like writing much right now. I didn't do anything entirely noteworthy today. I'll mention that I watched Family Guy (new episodes of which are finally being produced by Fox) tonight with Courtney and was, sadly, quite disappointed. The plot was lacking, and the jokes were predictable and/or entirely too crude. We also watched American Dad, which is a new show on Fox; this one was even less satisfying. (It's pretty much Family Guy with slightly different characters.) I'm actually kind of happy to not be finding anything worth my time on TV...I would, however, like one show to watch. You know, something that I set aside a half an hour for once a week. I was hoping Family Guy would be that, but the new episodes (two so far) are leaving much to be desired. Sigh...
I also talked to Joanna for about an hour, which made me happy. I hadn't talked to her in a great while, so it was good catching up.
Oh! I suppose you're wondering about my bet with Courtney. Well, just in case I'll tell you anyway. KKY had a beach day this weekend, and they had planned a fundraiser in which you could pay a few bucks to hit someone (of your choice) with a pie. Courtney was confident that she wasn't "on anyone's bad list," but I was pretty sure just about anyone would pay money to be able to throw something at Courtney's face. (If you haven't known her long enough to find the hilarity in her facial expressions, you are sorely missing out. Seriously...did you look at the third picture above?) We were both fairly confident in our opinions, so we decided on the following: if someone did hit Courtney with a pie, then I win. (What do I win? Pride. Darn this one-sided bet!) But if Courtney didn't get hit, then she would get to hit me with a pie. (It seemed like a good idea at the time...I knew I was going to win...) Well, it turned out that no one decided to throw a pie at Courtney...but that was only because they never got around to actually doing the fundraiser on Saturday. So technically I lost (because I didn't specify that the event had to take place) but we both agreed that that was crap. So I guess it was a draw. Yeah, I know...sorry the outcome isn't the most exciting...but I'm certainly relieved. So woot.
Okay, I should be off to bed. Bleh...Monday tomorrow....bleh.
Do you get the most out of your dining plan?
mood: not wanting to go to school tomorrow
music: "Kronos Unveiled" from The Incredibles soundtrack
location: dorm