Sunday, May 01, 2005
Nosey Joe
I had a very good weekend. I didn't do a whole heck of a lot that warrants a mention in this blog, but I did thoroughly enjoy myself. This works out perfectly for me right about now, because I want to get through everything but I'm also fairly tired and I would like to get to bed soon. See? Meant to be.
I woke up on Friday and found the following to greet me in the common room and bathroom:

Sigh. It's not the immaturity that bothers me, or the damage fees I'm sure to be charged. It's the fact that the people who are responsible for the damages probably don't live on my floor and therefore won't be charged. The entire tower has access to my common room and bathroom; it's even assumed that the first floor uses our common room because they don't have one of their own. But only the second floor will be charged for the common damages, not the tower. Grumble grumble...oh is only five or ten bucks I'll be losing. It's just that five or ten bucks is about fifty to a hundred times what other people I know are likely to be paying. Grumble again...
The rest of Friday turned out peachy keen. I had a midterm in circuit analysis. I pretty much figured everything out...but of course I made a stupid mistake in one of the problems. It wasn't a mistake in the circuit analysis, or the calculus. No, of course it wouldn't be. I misplaced a factor of "t" in one of my equations. Sound vaguely familiar? Yeah...oh well. I found the mistake with a little time left to spare and did my best to correct it. It's possible (though highly unlikely) that I earned full credit on that one. My work, however, was very messy as a result of the mistake; I sent my professor an email that tried to explain to her which boxed answers should be considered and which should be ignored. I know...that's a little obsessive...but hey, I'm more likely to get points when I argue my case. We'll probably find out how I did tomorrow.
Friday night was awesome. The University Jazz Band held a swing dance concert; KKY helped set up, sell tickets/watch the door, and tear down. Courtney had volunteered for the event, so I spent the evening with her at the dance. For most of the evening, Courtney was seated at the door managing the inflow of admission fees and I was at a nearby table in the UU helping Rosalie with math. But we did manage to both get into the free hour-long swing dance lesson. It was so much fun! We were both a little clumsy, but I think we were doing pretty well for beginners. Towards the end of the night we found some time to go in and dance to the last couple of numbers; my dancing skills hadn't improved since the lesson but I had fun nonetheless. After the dance, I spent an hour helping the seven or eight KKY members who had shown up to help tear down. And that was fun. I think I hurt my lower back lifting something, though...I'm such an old man! (Actually, I think I've hurt my back earlier and I just aggravated it further on Friday. I've felt a pain in the same area before. I really need to get that looked at...)
Not much to report on Saturday...sleep in, breakfast with Courtney at Light House, homework, Star Wars: Episode I with Courtney, back to sleep. Oh, and I dropped the L-Bomb on Saturday morning. (No, I'm not going to explain that.)
Today wasn't a whole lot more exciting...I got up for church, had brunch with Courtney and Ben, did some homework (I attempted to, at least. Curse the math department for picking our textbooks based on them being written by Cal Poly faculty and not based on them being helpful textbooks!) went to Campus market to buy $45 of groceries in order to spend some of my meal plan money before it expires at the end of the quarter, did some more homework, had dinner with Courtney at Light House, baked brownies, watched the season premiere of Family Guy while enjoying the brownies, and went over to Rosalie's for a few minutes to see if she could explain a problem in my linear analysis class to me. (I sincerely dislike the textbook for this class. A typical example in the text begins with a statement of the problem. Then the phrase "using methods explained in previous sections we can solve to obtain:" precedes the answer. They don't show the work! What the heck is the point of the example if they're not going to show the work?!) And that was Sunday.
So there you have it: my weekend in a nutshell. I'm sure I did nothing that was too horribly exciting to read about, but I personally had a great time over the past few days. So hooray! Now, though, I'm going to go to bed (and hope that Kevin will, too).
His big nose in their business,
mood: content
music: none
location: a non-darkened dormroom...please go to sleep soon, Kevin...
I woke up on Friday and found the following to greet me in the common room and bathroom:

Sigh. It's not the immaturity that bothers me, or the damage fees I'm sure to be charged. It's the fact that the people who are responsible for the damages probably don't live on my floor and therefore won't be charged. The entire tower has access to my common room and bathroom; it's even assumed that the first floor uses our common room because they don't have one of their own. But only the second floor will be charged for the common damages, not the tower. Grumble grumble...oh is only five or ten bucks I'll be losing. It's just that five or ten bucks is about fifty to a hundred times what other people I know are likely to be paying. Grumble again...
The rest of Friday turned out peachy keen. I had a midterm in circuit analysis. I pretty much figured everything out...but of course I made a stupid mistake in one of the problems. It wasn't a mistake in the circuit analysis, or the calculus. No, of course it wouldn't be. I misplaced a factor of "t" in one of my equations. Sound vaguely familiar? Yeah...oh well. I found the mistake with a little time left to spare and did my best to correct it. It's possible (though highly unlikely) that I earned full credit on that one. My work, however, was very messy as a result of the mistake; I sent my professor an email that tried to explain to her which boxed answers should be considered and which should be ignored. I know...that's a little obsessive...but hey, I'm more likely to get points when I argue my case. We'll probably find out how I did tomorrow.
Friday night was awesome. The University Jazz Band held a swing dance concert; KKY helped set up, sell tickets/watch the door, and tear down. Courtney had volunteered for the event, so I spent the evening with her at the dance. For most of the evening, Courtney was seated at the door managing the inflow of admission fees and I was at a nearby table in the UU helping Rosalie with math. But we did manage to both get into the free hour-long swing dance lesson. It was so much fun! We were both a little clumsy, but I think we were doing pretty well for beginners. Towards the end of the night we found some time to go in and dance to the last couple of numbers; my dancing skills hadn't improved since the lesson but I had fun nonetheless. After the dance, I spent an hour helping the seven or eight KKY members who had shown up to help tear down. And that was fun. I think I hurt my lower back lifting something, though...I'm such an old man! (Actually, I think I've hurt my back earlier and I just aggravated it further on Friday. I've felt a pain in the same area before. I really need to get that looked at...)
Not much to report on Saturday...sleep in, breakfast with Courtney at Light House, homework, Star Wars: Episode I with Courtney, back to sleep. Oh, and I dropped the L-Bomb on Saturday morning. (No, I'm not going to explain that.)
Today wasn't a whole lot more exciting...I got up for church, had brunch with Courtney and Ben, did some homework (I attempted to, at least. Curse the math department for picking our textbooks based on them being written by Cal Poly faculty and not based on them being helpful textbooks!) went to Campus market to buy $45 of groceries in order to spend some of my meal plan money before it expires at the end of the quarter, did some more homework, had dinner with Courtney at Light House, baked brownies, watched the season premiere of Family Guy while enjoying the brownies, and went over to Rosalie's for a few minutes to see if she could explain a problem in my linear analysis class to me. (I sincerely dislike the textbook for this class. A typical example in the text begins with a statement of the problem. Then the phrase "using methods explained in previous sections we can solve to obtain:" precedes the answer. They don't show the work! What the heck is the point of the example if they're not going to show the work?!) And that was Sunday.
So there you have it: my weekend in a nutshell. I'm sure I did nothing that was too horribly exciting to read about, but I personally had a great time over the past few days. So hooray! Now, though, I'm going to go to bed (and hope that Kevin will, too).
His big nose in their business,
mood: content
music: none
location: a non-darkened dormroom...please go to sleep soon, Kevin...