Saturday, May 07, 2005

Phunque II

This is a continuation of the post appearing immediately below this one.

Last night was the musician's ball, put on (of course) by KKY. The theme was "Jungle Boogie," and they did a really good job with it. It was held in the PAC Pavilion, and they created a great jungle atmosphere. The lighting in the room was phenomenal; they had somehow cut stencils or something to put over all of the green lights in the room so that they shined silhouettes of palm trees and bamboo and other jungle flora on the walls. They also had bananas and pineapples (to Courtney's delight) on each of the tables. It was pretty fancy! Atmosphere aside, though, the dance itself was so much fun! Gone are the days of dancing awkwardly in a circle of twenty people. Apparently, adults dance with each other. Crazy, huh? Now, I'm not saying I wasn't a complete awkward spaz...but I was a hell of a lot more comfortable there then I've been at any other dance. I particularly enjoyed the first half, when they played lots of hits from the seventies and also a few songs that we play in pep band. The second half of the dance leaned more to the present-day side of music...I got to hear "How can you NOT know this song?!" multiple times. Yeah...that got a little old. It's easier to dance when you know the music; it's harder to dance when you don't know the music but everyone else does. Sigh. Oh well, it was uncomfortable for me for only a short while, and it quickly got back to being fun. Plus, I had Courtney with me the whole time; she always helps me get through situations such as this. On the whole, I had a lot of fun. I will most certainly go to next year's musician's ball. So that's that.

Upon returning to Yosemite after the dance (at about 2:00 in the morning) I found Danielle and Danny sitting in the common room. I ended up talking with them for a full hour; that made me happy. A few of the people in this tower drive me insane, but most of them are good people, and I'm even going to miss a few of them next year. Danielle and Danny are two of those...I am glad that I've gotten to know them this year.

I was thrilled this morning to be able to sleep in. Kevin usually sets his alarm for between 8:00 and 9:00, regardless of how late he decides to stay up the night before. So, as a general rule, I can't plan to sleep in later than that. But Kevin must have been tired, because we both slept in until 10:30. Woot!

Today was low-key, as weekends tend to be for me. I went to the gym, did some homework, wrote a partial blog entry, had lunch with Courtney, did some more homework (with Rosalie and Heather), had dinner with Courtney, and practiced piano. It may seem like a mundane day to the reader of this blog, but I actually am enjoying myself. I'm certainly not bored; I have come across enough to do to keep me occupied. I am very content with things right now.

As for tonight, I plan on watching Ghostbusters (check!) with Courtney. Tomorrow will be spent going to church, doing more homework, and practicing more piano. (Don't worry...I'll have time left over to have some fun.) Goodbye for now.

Jungle Boogie diddly-uh diddly-uh,

mood: very content
music: none except for what's emanating from the concert taking place in the main lounge
location: dorm, with Courtney sitting on my bed studying bio

Quoted Randomness:
[This one is more fun when I don't explain it.]
"They're like f***ing bumpers!"
--Jenn Tan


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