Thursday, May 19, 2005

Triple Integrals

Hey there, loyal readers. I trust that you all have been well? I hope so. Many of you to whom I have talked have seemed at least mildly stressed, but then who isn't, right? The year is winding let's all try to enjoy it while we can. I'm pretty sure I've been doing a pretty good job of that...

My appointment with Dr. Harris at the health center went very well. He confirmed what Dr. Ascoli said about it being excess wax that my body is producing. He also seemed to think that I have nothing to worry about. What's even better is that Dr. Harris thinks a biopsy to remove a sample to have analyzed is a completely unnecessary procedure, so no numbing and cutting for me! His only recommendation was to see a dermatologist who would have a better chance of diagnosing it for sure (as Dr. Harris is only a general practice physician and has only general knowledge on the subject). He said even this would only be for my peace of mind. So see? I'm fine, no worries.

I received an email the other day from the EE department asking me what classes I'm planning to take next year. I've been very impressed with the EE department in that they ask the EE/CPE/CSC student body what classes they plan on taking so that they know how many sections of everything to open up. Now, though, they're only going to run this survey once a year, and as a result they want my best guess now of what I'll be taking between now and the end of next spring. How the heck do I know?! I have a schedule for all four years worked out, but it's only an estimate. The largest problem I face here, though, is that I can't decide if I want to go for the computer science minor or not. I'm not sure how much good the minor would do me, although it certainly wouldn't hurt to have it. I guess it's more of just something in which I have a mild interest. I do need to find something to do my senior year (be it classes or a job/internship or otherwise) because as it stands I only have about eight units per quarter that I need to take to graduate (hooray for AP credit!). I suppose I could take random classes that seem like fun - like bowling - except that the college of engineering has this annoying rule that says that I'm not allowed to take more than four units per quarter of coursework that's outside of my degree requirements. As I'm taking two to four units of band per quarter, I would have to go badger the EE department for permission to take more classes (or I would have to be placed on administrative probation). So yeah...I don't know what I want to do. I should probably just kick myself in the butt and go for the minor...

Remember how I mentioned that I was trying to get a leadership position in MB next year? Well, Tyson sent out an email last night asking if anyone wanted to be his co-librarian next year to help him organize/maintain the music library. I replied last night, and this morning he had emailed me back to say that I was in. Woot! I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for historian, although it seems like a lot of the positions I've been inquiring about are being awarded to others who have "shown more interest." Grumble...I'll save you the grief of having to read through a rant about that right now. But hey, at least I'm co-librarian! Hooray.

So does anybody know what today is? That's okay...I'd have been surprised if any of you knew (but hooray for you if you did!). Courtney and I have been dating for two months today (actually, pretty much exactly to the minute as I'm writing this sentence). She and I went to the Farmer's Market to celebrate. We enjoyed some tri-tip kabob from F. McLintock's and then some goodies from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. (Courtney had fudge, and I had an apple pie caramel apple that was absolutely delicious. She actually had a bite of mine, and didn't die from her fruit allergies, so that's all well and good.) So yeah, that was lots of fun. I should go down to Farmer's more often. It really is quite the spectacle here in SLO...all sorts of stands/carts/booths set up on Higuera Street downtown, and all sorts of people roaming around buying fresh produce and flowers and BBQ and crafts and anything else they can has such a wonderful summery feeling to it. Yes, I need to go back there.

So I spent the last couple of hours studying for my midterms tomorrow. I'm not too worried about digital design. I took a sample midterm and knew how to do everything. It's also going to be open book and open note, so I'll have all my examples and homework solutions to see how to do the problems. Circuit analysis will be a little more challenging. I know how to do the problems, but I've found that I'm awfully prone to making little mistakes in my work. So who knows? Still, it shouldn't be all that bad. And then there's calculus...I've found that there really is a heck of a lot that I can't quite remember. I know the stuff we've done recently, so I think I'm more or less set for the exam tomorrow. But I'm going to need a good while to prepare for the final in a few weeks.

For now, I think it's best that I start thinking about getting to sleep. Wish me luck tomorrow...I wish I could say that I knew I didn't need it. I don't know when I'll get to writing next; this weekend could turn out to be pretty busy. Brass concert tomorrow, a baseball game vs. UC Riverside and my stepbrother Drew on Saturday afternoon, a horn party Saturday night, trumpet sectional Sunday, and all the homework I didn't do yesterday or today in favor of studying for my midterms. should be a good weekend. I'll write about it soon enough!

Good night, all.

dy dx dz,

mood: eager to have midterms behind me
music: "Festivity" by James Curnow
location: empty dormroom (don't know where Kevin is)


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