Monday, June 20, 2005

Astro Jump? Moon Bounce.

Scattered randomness from past couple of weeks:

--Campus Dining (in their infinite wisdom) closed pretty much every dining establishment on campus on the last day of finals, which was (coincidentally) the last day our plu$ dollars were any good. But I'll be damned before I lose money to Campus Dining! Courtney and I found a vending machine that read our cards and in the span of about twenty minutes blew about forty bucks between us on assorted candy bars, chips, and cookies. I didn't really want all the candy...but the experience of having about fifty candy bars piling up in the bottom of the machine was worth the cash. I thought it would have been fun to leave it all there, so that when some unsuspecting kid reached in to pull out the bag of Skittles he just bought, there'd be enough candy in there to gas him up for weeks.

--Finals went well; I was actually quite proud of myself. There were problems I didn't immediately know how to do, but that I was able to figure out given a little time. I won't bore you with the details (in part because I don't really remember them all), but long story short I got all A's. So woot!

--The drive home on Sunday was a long one. Traffic in Santa Barbara was horrendous; it took us 45 minutes to go about fifteen miles. Sigh. But we stopped in Ventura for about an hour to visit my dad's Aunt Geri (spelling?), and that broke up the trip sufficiently well. It was kinda sad, though. Dad, Courtney, and I had breakfast at IHOP just before leaving, and I had to say goodbye to Courtney for the summer. :-( I miss her a lot. A big fat lot. But at least there are plans for her to come down here or for me to go up there at some point (4th of July?).

--I saw Star Wars: Episode III with my Dad. At the end of the movie, he leans over and whispers, "So I guess this is like a prequel to the original movies." It was pretty darned hilarious. I guess Dad was never really the Star Wars fan.

--I saw Mr. & Mrs. Smith with Joanna. I really liked the movie, although it went on for just a tad too long. The action was cool, though...and I enjoyed the mix of awesome explosions and gunfights with comedy. So hooray.

--I gave blood.

--I went to the 2005 grad party at the Dubinas' house. There, I saw many people whom I haven't seen in a while, including my high school band directors. Oodles of fun.

--I had dinner with Alena on Tuesday and went over to Lauren's for a while on Wednesday. I have missed them, and it was good to see them again.

The rest of my time here at home can be summed up in two words: "job search." I've submitted many applications and sent of at least a dozen resumes. But, alas, no one seems to want to hire me for just the summer. I completely understand the employers' viewpoints, but still...I want a job. What the heck am I going to do with myself this summer if I can't find a job? Here's a quick summary:

Places/Jobs to/for which I've applied:
Circuit City
Barnes & Noble
Hilton Garden Inn
Receptionist - HTK Structural Engineers
Receptionist - Pomerado Publishing
Office Assistant - Mytee Products
Administrative Assistant -
Office Assistant - about five other businesses that didn't give their names in the classified ads
Volunteer - San Diego Blood Bank

Places from which I've heard back:
Circuit City - not for just the summer
Barnes & Noble - not for just the summer
Hallmark - not for just the summer
HTK Structural Engineers - not for just the summer
Mytee Products - not for just the summer, but there might be a temporary project they can put me on - interview later this week...seems promising
Vons - had interview, checking with management...possibly a cashier, bagger, or online order filler

So yeah. The one is a guy who works out of his house. It has something to do with designing webpages, which is mildly related to my field of study (maybe not...but it's a hell of a lot closer than a Vons bagger). He emailed me a little test...I had to get on his website and find some pieces of info about a couple of products and their associated webpages. I wasn't entirely sure of what I was doing, but the guy seems to think I did fine. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this one. It's only part-time, so I figure if I get it I can try to find another part-time job, or volunteer (like with the blood bank). So we'll see.

Okay...well...I'm bored of writing now. There isn't much more of interest, anyway.

Do they clean this think in between clients?

mood: fine
music: "Mambo Swing" by Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
location: Mom's house


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