Monday, July 18, 2005

Rewards Program

All right, all right! I'm frickin' writing already! Jeez...

Work at Blockbuster has been good; I enjoy it much more than the work I did at In-N-Out. I find I can spend much longer hours at the video store without getting tired of it, and this makes up for the slightly lower pay. My job is generally the same when I'm there. I check-in movies (which consists of opening them to check that the right DVD is in them, scanning each one into the computer, and organizing them back onto the shelves in the store), I check out movies (which I enjoy the most...getting to work the register is fun), and I help customers with whatever needs they might have (generally, do we have movies, where are the movies, etc.). I also answer phones, which is something I've never gotten to do before. There are also occasional other moving the movies around in the store: new movies are released on Tuesdays, and we have to fit them into their proper places on the shelves.

Friday and Saturday evenings are our busiest times (shockingly), and so it is Blockbuster's decision to pay someone to be "active salesperson." The description of this job includes putting on a bright red apron and approaching every customer in the store to see if they need any help, and also to see if they're interested in any of the promotions going on in the store (currently, the Rewards program). I strongly dislike this job, mostly because I feel like a pushy salesperson when I do it. Many of the people I approach feel that way too, because they're already blowing me off before I finish my first statement to them. I'm supposed to suggest a promotion to every customer, but I only do to the ones who seem at least moderately receptive. So when I'm greeted with a look of "what the hell are you about to try and sell me?" I'm usually satisfied with terminating the encounter as soon as they tell me they don't need any help finding anything. So yeah...that job kind of sucks...but it's only once a week. And it's fun when I come across people who are willing to chat with me.

On the blood bank front, I've only been finding a moderate amount of time to devote to volunteering. Blockbuster has been working me more and more (I'm working over 40 hours next week...woot for overtime pay!) and I've had to cut back on helping out the San Diego Blood Bank. But I do find a few hours each week, and it's usually long as I don't do it for too long of a time. I find myself bored quite frequently when I'm there; there just isn't enough for me to do. But I still enjoy it, because it's something good to do, and I feel good about myself when I do it.

As for the rest of my time (which I find is becoming a little sparse), I've been watching lots of movies, reading books (currently, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince), going to the gym, and generally just finding ways to entertain myself. I've got enough to do...but good thing I found a job, because I'd be soooo bored. But, long story short, I am enjoying myself.

Consider yourselves updated.

It's $14.99 for a year-long membership,

mood: okay...but I have to work for the next eight days straight
music: watching Friends
location: Dad's house


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